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Our Philosophy

Tax focused. Outcome driven.


We believe

  • A comprehensive, written financial plan guides educated and efficient decisions.
  • Looking at the world through clients’ eyes and coordinating their personal, business, and estate visions and goals can help produce the greatest outcomes. In solving risk-based needs first, protecting income safeguards the creation of wealth.
  • Each dollar has a unique and time-specific job description: growth, liquidity, education, retirement income, lifestyle enhancement, and dream home.
  • In the employment and integration of non-market correlated, tax efficient, safe assets.
  • In proactively managing investments according to modern portfolio theory in alignment with the client's plan and employing professionally created portfolios.
  • Planning for children addresses both intellectual preparation and fostering financial independence.
  • In creating a distribution plan to optimize a family's retirement readiness and safeguard their assets and their future.
  • In inter-generational planning through proper estate strategies and building relationships with our client's parents and children.

The process of planning is more important than the plan itself.


We believe

  • In 7-Dimensional diversification - Asset, style, manager, time, tax, location, and behavior.
  • In employing professionally created, objectively researched, multi-manager portfolios.
  • Benchmarking and aligning investment decisions to the needs of a client's plan over performing to an index.
  • Disciplined rebalancing of portfolios (strategically and opportunistically) can potentially reward the investor greater long-term growth and value.
  • Consistent contributions to a client's strategy regardless of market direction or recent performance.
  • Integrating and optimizing investments with life insurance, annuities, and long-term care planning can help secure long-term goals.
  • The greatest determinant of investment outcomes is how an investor responds to market corrections.

Welcome to WealthWise Capital

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